Posted by eolith

Eoliths, Portable Rock Art and Figure Stones.

Prehistoric Visual Communication Devices, Animation and Figurative Art.

Amazing artworks made thousands of years ago, meta-morph from one image to another. It almost defies explanation, just how clever was prehistoric man? In the House of Babel, prehistoric man was creating optical illusions, anamorphic art and visual language devices hundreds of thousands of years ago. Portable rock art finds reach a new level of complexity, detail and ingenuity in my artefacts.

I have thousands of these polymorphic and often anamorphic prehistoric language tools. My examples are of such good quality that I’m able to decode their meaning, usage and by whom. Since my discovery in 2011, I have added much understanding to this field of study, We are talking about an almost global phenomena and culture that predates any ‘out of Africa theory’ held by the mainstream. Pareidolia is not an option, in fact proponents of such views do not intellectually qualify. Many people are now waking up to the truth, lithic finds from far flung places bearing the same motifs as my own examples, repeat topologies and multiple face profiles in each example.  Long extinct species descriptions are found, and now I have dating evidence suggesting these items were in use during the Cretaceous period some 66 million years ago.

There really are millions of incredibly detailed works of art hidden in prehistoric flint and stone artefacts. Most of them lay there waiting to be found. Some works have been found and realized as worked stone but of unknown function and many recognized as tools, I believe that on closer inspection many of these stones will contain unrealized works of optical illusions and sculptured art.  Elephant head sculptures are very common in palaeolithic stone tools, but are unrealized or ignored by many in the professional body.

I have learned so much about prehistoric man just by looking at a few stones, it’s all there, they all tell their own little story. The stone in the picture below has an excellent elephant head sculpture, gorilla, a springbok, horse, wolf, predatory cat, and ram. I believe that these stones were used as communication tools. There are suggestions that early man may have not been very vocal, and these stones could convey what you had for lunch or maybe what you wanted to go and hunt, or maybe silently convey what animals are nearby. They may have been used as ornaments or as a teaching aid. Or like Post-it-notes, or puppets.

Many of the pieces can be manipulated in the hand to produce a rolling display of their content. This can be done between thumb and forefinger in a single-handed fashion.

Ursel Benekendorff the vanguard of Prehistoric artworks, has recognized the iconography in my finds as clear and common motif’s that are repeated throughout her own extensive studies. The similarities between her own stone artwork finds, and my own, simply cannot be ignored. My visual interpretations (exclusively originally) were made without knowing the existence of this figurative symbolism, and any knowledge of Ursel’s amazing stone finds. In other words, we independently found artifacts depicting the exact same subjects, in the exact same poses, repeatedly, and in no way exclusively to just Ursel’s and my materials.

Work needs to be done in the British Professional Archaeology community, to educate sceptics and non- believers to the existence of these beautiful and ancient, communication tools.

These pieces will teach us more about our ancestors and their environment than any amount of gold coins.

For those of you in the wider community who wish to find similar stones I wouldn’t be surprised if you found one of these artworks in your own back garden. If you have at least one good elephant head in your stone and any other animal head form in profile, you may well have your own example. Most stones will not look anything like mine, many are in pebble form or other medium, some of the basic words can be found in every stone, them being elephant, ape, horse, springbok, rabbit, boar, wolf, cow, fish, lion, bear, and wizard! all in head profile, a whole bird, whole fish, whole buffalo/bison and the humps of whales and strutting gorillas, you would have to check Ursel’s site for any more! If you have flint blades and scrapers you may well already have some of these fascinating artworks, look for the ape profile in the blade. A large chip, then medium then a set of chips getting slowly smaller can signify an elephant head in your blade, these I believe are prolific but very few have noticed them.

Prehistoric flint Nano sculpture

Yes, as if I had not rattled the bones of many an archaeologist already, I am now introducing a world exclusive, the discovery of incredibly detailed prehistoric nano-sculpture artworks. These small stones have all the bang of my polyglyphs but use an unknown technique to sculpture hair line ridges into flint. The stones look a little like the scaly effect caused by extreme temperature change in flint, in some areas. I have heard of a technique that uses heat to sculpt flint, am I just making this up? Maybe the theory of a scholar in history, way back?

This nano sculpture flint art has a fairly clear horse head and mane. The elephant head and trunk are quite exceptional. The ‘Alpaca’ type creature set further back. This flint is 61mm approx. in its longest dimension.
Copyright, all rights reserved 2012
There are human and ape face profiles everywhere. This is not freak chance!
A jumble of face profiles that share and swap features.

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